Deseret CWMU Release Forms 2024
Please read carefully how to sign the documents correctly.
Each person must sign TWO release forms (the Wild Country and Deseret release forms). When signing these forms, you will enter the signer’s name twice (once on the Wild Country release form and once on the Deseret release form).
If the signer is under 18, a parent or guardian must sign the “guardian section” on the said youth’s release form (once on the Wild Country release form and once on the Deseret release form).
If the client/guest is not a youth, you must type N/A and sign N/A for not applicable on both forms. These fields are required.
Each person will sign and submit both forms. If multiple people are signing, complete the forms for each person, and each will have their submission.
You will receive an email informing you that you have signed the release form. If you do not receive this email, please sign the form again.
Check who has signed the 2024 release forms by CLICKING HERE
Watch the Video below the release forms for instructions on signing the release forms if this doesn’t make sense.
*These forms work to sign on computers and mobile devices. Some may find it easier to sign them on a laptop or desktop.