Wild Country Outfitters
Wild Country Outfitters is a professional Hunting and Flyfishing Outfitter in the heart of the Rocky Mountains in Northern Utah.
Big Game Hunting
These hunts are of the highest quality. All the hunting on the Utah Ranch is fair chase. Conservation and working with the wildlife are of the utmost importance to the hunting on the ranch. Enjoy some of the greatest big game hunting for rocky mountain elk, trophy mule, elk, shiras moose, and pronghorn.
Fly Fishing
Catch the strongest trophy rainbows on the ranch’s ponds and lakes. Enjoy the pristine mountain streams where abundant beautiful native cutthroat trout can be caught. Chase hard-fighting brown trout on our private tailwater river.
Utah Ranch Lease
Wild Country Inc. has partnered with a handful of groups (corporations/private businesses/families & friends) in a conservation partnership/environmental lease on a 230,000-acre private ranch in Northern Utah. This lease allows groups to bring up guests on the ranch’s fall hunt, enjoy the fishing on the ranch, use the ranch’s lodge for retreats or family getaways, and much more.